Coconut Oil-What can it do?

10:44 PM

There are so many different uses for coconut oil, and it is really easy to find and very affordable!

1. Cooking-Obviously :)
2. Eye makeup remover-Never tried this but want to!
3. Use in homemade lotion, deodorant, or soap bars.
4. Making your own toothpaste.
5. Lighten age spots.
6. To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning.
7. Intensive night-time face moisturizer.
8. Help hair frizz.
9. Intensive natural conditioner- Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours.
10. Fight athletes foot or toe fungus.
11. Dandruff remedy.
12. Lice treatment.
13. Acne treatment.
14. Soothes burns.
15. Bug bite relief.
16. Heals cuts and scrapes.
17. Anti-wrinkle eye cream.
18. Shaving cream.
19. Stops stretch marks.
20. Shoe polish.
21. Bug repellent.
22. Cuticle oil.
23. Soothes hang nails.
24. Shoe polish.

There is so much more! But that's all I'm going to write down (:

Lots of Love,


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