Stella McCartney Showcases SS17 Collection with Eerie Short Film
10:00 PMStella McCartney, known for her sustainable designs, showcased her new SS17 collection through a creepy short film directed by surrealist Philippa Price. The film is not for the faint of heart – eerie motel scenes complete with clowns achieves this aesthetic Price was going for. Filmed in Nevada at the Clown Motel (and fittingly so), the film shows pieces from the new collection. The location of the film actually used to be a nuclear bomb test site – and it makes sense when watching it. Viewers will be sucked in by the artistic talent of the director. Each piece complements the blue-toned background. The Uncanny Valley is a part of the new editorial series called "#StellaBy," with the intention to reinvent and reinterpret collections.
Take a look at the film yourself (you've been warned!), and let us know what you think!